Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May 1 - Besties: Instinct (Fifth Dawn)

   [English version below] 

Empezamos pisando fuerte, con un grupo de la otra punta del mundo: Fifth Dawn, fundado en 2014 en Sydney, Australia. Se autodenominan rock alternativo donde la protagonista es una voz femenina, la de Samantha (Sam) Faul. Y qué voz.

La banda la completan Mark Robertson (guitarra principal), Jamie Panucci (guitarra rítmica) y Mitchell Hand (batería), aunque este último entró recientemente, mientras que anteriormente también contaban con Ethan Pye (bajo) y Jordan Powell (batería).(*)

Me resulta bastante complicado elegir una sola canción de este grupo, ya que creo que tienen un repertorio increíble, tanto por calidad como por los temas que tratan. Finalmente me he decantado por la que me llevó a descubrir su música: Instinct. En sus propias palabras, lo que quieren expresar con esta canción es básicamente que dejemos de preocuparnos por lo que dice la gente o ciertas opiniones que realmente no importan. Como seres humanos, es normal que esto nos afecte hasta cierto punto, pero es importante construir muros que bloqueen esas malas energías y no permitan que se infiltren en nuestro interior.
Cuando escuché esta canción, conocer el resto de su música se volvió prácticamente una necesidad. Y, claramente, no me decepcionaron. En cuanto a su significado, sí que pienso que a veces la gente se preocupa demasiado poco, pero en otras ocasiones realmente deberíamos hacer más caso a esta idea. También me encanta cuando dice "I know you care", en muchos sentidos, incluso más allá de lo que quieren reflejar.

Estoy muy contenta porque están sacando nueva música recientemente, aunque de momento prefiero ligeramente varias canciones de Duality a las nuevas. Si os ha gustado y queréis escuchar alguna de las canciones de su futuro nuevo álbum, podéis empezar por The day brings, que me parece muy potente. Y si aún tenéis ganas de más, prácticamente todas las canciones de Duality son una joya. ¡Contadme cuál es vuestra preferida!

No muchos grupos tienen la capacidad de hacerme sentir como Fifth Dawn. Para mí, es simplemente precioso cuando algo/alguien tiene tanta capacidad de (re)mover.

(*) Por favor, corregidme si parte de esta información no es correcta. Lo cierto es que me ha costado bastante llegar a una conclusión sobre quién forma la banda actualmente, puesto que no hay información muy clara al respecto, o al menos yo no la he encontrado...

Actualización: Aquí y aquí podéis leer (en inglés) lo que ha ocurrido con Fifth Dawn. Básicamente, un exmiembro del grupo ha retirado los permisos necesarios para que su música siga en las plataformas y han tenido que borrar prácticamente toda. Dicen que van a volver a grabarlo todo y subirlo de nuevo... eso es verdadero amor por la música y por su trabajo, en mi opinión. He cambiado el vídeo; esperemos que este no desaparezca también.

  [Versión en castellano arriba]

Let's go with a heavy, fierce start, with a band from the other side of the world: Fifth Dawn, founded in 2014 in Sydney, Australia. They call themselves "female-lead alternative rock", and that leadership is owned by Samantha (Sam) Faul's vocals. And what a voice!

The other members of the band are Mark Robertson (lead guitar), Jamie Pannuci (rhythm guitar) and Mitchell Hand (drums), although the latter joined recently. Former members include Ethan Pye (bass) and Jordan Powell (drums).(*) 

I have a hard time when I have to pick just one song from them. I think their repertoire is amazing, both in terms of quality and topics. I have finally chosen the one which let me discover their music: Instinct. In their own words, "The meaning for this song is basically to stop caring about things that people say or the opinions of others that don’t matter. It’s normal being human to care about this to a degree but it’s important to have defences and walls that prevent or block this bad energy from creeping in". When I heard this song, I just needed to listen to everything I could find from them, and I surely did not get disappointed. Regarding their explanation, I actually believe that sometimes people care too little, however there are many occasions when this truly applies. I also love when she sings "I know you care" in lots of senses, even beyond what they are describing.

I'm very happy because they are releasing new music recently, although I still slightly prefer some Duality songs than the new ones so far. If you like this one and want to listen to some of their latest stuff, please check The day brings; I feel this one is really powerful. And if you still crave for more, essentially all songs in Duality are just incredible. Tell me which is your fav!

Not many bands have made me feel as Fifth Dawn does. To me, it's just marvelous when something/somebody has so much power to touch others.

(*) Please correct me if part of this information is not accurate. It has not been easy to completely understand who currently forms the band, since the information out there is a bit scarce, or at least I have not been able to find the right source...

Bandcamp: (this link is not working either)

Edit: Something has happened to Fifth Dawn's YouTube channel. I will wait a couple of days to see if the songs appear again. You still have the Bandcamp link in the meantime!
Update: Here and here you can read what has happened with Fifth Dawn. Basically, a former member of the group has withdrawn the necessary permissions for their music to continue on the platforms and they have had to delete practically all of it. They say they're going to re-record everything and upload it again... that's true love for music and for their work, in my opinion. I have added a different video; let's hope this one does not disappear too.


Stop and listen to the hardest things to hear about you
I know you can't understand until it hits you hard at home
Those faces of the world depict the order of the hold
You don't have to explain yourself to them
I know you care; I know you care
About how the world sees you fall
Deciding which part of it to ignore
I know that you care
(They're staring at you)
I know that you care
(They're feeding off you)
Stop working yourself up, start working down, down
Stop! Don't listen to the hardest things to hear about you
I know you can't understand until it hits you hard at home
Those voices of the world depict the order of the hold
(It's over now)
You don't have to explain yourself to them
I know you care
They're just that scared
About how the world sees you grow
Deciding which part of it to explore
I know that you care
(They're staring at you)
I know that you care
(They're feeding off you)
Stop working yourself up, start working down, it's over now!
Go and listen to your heart and no one else
Go and listen to your heart and you'll find sense
Let you feel untouchable
Let the worst of you go
They're staring at you
(I know that you care)
They're feeding off you
(I know that you care)
They're staring at you whoa
(I know that you care)
Go and listen to your heart and no one else
Go and listen to your heart and you'll find sense
I know that you care
I know that you
I know that you
I know that you care
I know that you
I know that you care


  1. Me encanta el grupo, me encanta el tema, lo tengo en spoty y además suele ser ésa canción que te pondrías mientras viajas.

    Musicalmente es impecable, la voz de la cantante junto con la de la percusión y el sutil piano que se introduce entre tanto guitarreo le dan una estructura que le favorece bastante.

    Si cierro los ojos con ésta canción sonando, tiendo a imaginarme encima de una moto, atravesando un cañón desértico que se abre progresivamente bajo un cielo nocturno.

  2. I mean yes. De nada por la reco y un besi de fresi :P :P

  3. Uhhhh.... lo escuché en su momento, pero ahora que vuelvo veo que el vídeo ya no está disponible =P

  4. Ostras, tienes razón, gracias por decírmelo. Algo ha pasado con el canal de YouTube de Fifth Dawn. Voy a darle unos días a ver si vuelve a la vida y si no tendré que cambiarlo... mientras tanto está el enlace de Bandcamp al menos jej


May 31 - Old but gold: Adiós Dulcinea (Mägo de Oz)

  [English version below] Mägo de Oz es una banda española de folk metal fundada en Madrid en 1988 por Jesús Hernández, conocido como Txus d...